The growing-up importance of environmental themes and of use of means of transport alternative to private car needs to have balanced systems of actions to guide cities towards these changes. Aleph supports local governments to develop plans about cities accessibility layouts: goals are sustainable mobility and the harmony between public policy and the project needs.
The specific activities in this fields are:
- Analysis of transport supply and demand
- Public interviews: local citizens opinion is important to better understand specific problems
- On site surveys : traffic flows, geometric evaluation of roads features, state of art of bicycle and pedestrian paths and services, data capture about traffic accidents
- Network general plan development
- Traffic regulation plan
- Micro-simulation models for evaluating the effects of rules changes
- Environmental impact analysis of local actions and general plans
- Feasibility studies about local actions to solve flow critical point
- Micro-simulation models for studying effects of local actions
- Analysis of specific traffic calming solutions in order to reduce dangerous point
- Planning and design of new bicycle and pedestrian paths in order to create continuous and safe routes among the most important town services
- Feasibility studies about bicycle services like bike-sharing
Park and ride solutions and modeling.